A Kansas City Reading Series


Sunday, April 17th, 7:30pm (sharp)


Anne Boyer is the author of The 2000s (Free Poetry), Art is War (Mitzvah), The Romance of Happy Workers (Coffee House), Selected Dreams with a note on phrenology (Dusie Kollektiv), and Anne Boyer’s Good Apocalypse (Effing). She has also written some free pdfs, like Ma Vie en Bling 1&2. Her novel Joan is forthcoming from Bloof books, and she is at work on a second novel, Nero, as well as a few other books and chapbooks of poetry and prose. Her work has been widely published in journals, and she has been invited to read in a number of cities, but she has never before read in Kansas City, where she teaches about Utopia, Digital Society, and writing at the Kansas City Art Institute.

Mitchell Hugh Kirkwood is from Kansas. He is currently studying sculpture and creative writing at the Kansas City Art Institute. His favorite colors are red and yellow, and he is into highway driving. Go Chiefs!