Saturday, March 31st, 7pm, KCAI Crossroads Gallery: 
Center for Contemporary Practice (1819 Grand Blvd. KCMO) 

John GALLAHER is the author or co-author of five poetry collections, most recently, In a Landscape (BOA Editions, 2014). His poetry has been published in literary journals and magazines including Boston Review, Colorado Review, Crazyhorse, Field, The Literati Quarterly, jubilat, The Journal, Ploughshares, and in anthologies including The Best American Poetry 2008. He is an assistant professor of English at Northwest Missouri State University, and co-editor of The Laurel Review.

Bridget LOWE is the author of At the Autopsy of Vaslav Nijinsky (Carnegie Mellon University Press, 2013) and her poems have appeared in The New Yorker, Poetry, American Poetry Review, A Public Space, Best American Poetry, Boston Review, and elsewhere. She lives in Kansas City, where she was born. 

Marcus MYERS advises gifted & talented high school students, teaches composition to high school seniors and college freshmen, and works as one of the founding co-editors of Bear Review. His work has appeared in or is forthcoming from The Cortland Review, Hunger Mountain, Mid-American Review, The National Poetry Review, Pleiades, The Rumpus, Salt Hill, Tar River Poetry, TYPO and elsewhere.