Saturday, March 5th, 7pm, Irving Amphitheater (4402 Oak St. KCMO 64111) FREE!

 Phil ESTES is the author of High Life (Horse Less Press 2016) and the chapbooks Slowjams (Living Arts 2016), Children of Reagan (Rabbit Catastrophe 2012), and Gem City/Fountain City (Rabbit Catastrophe 2009). His work has appeared in Action Yes!, Diagram, Lungfull, West Wind Review, and others. He lives in Shreveport, LA.
 Jim MCCRARY's latest book is This Here. It is as close to memoir as he will do. Could be true or correct. Or not. 

Zophia MCDOUGAL is a human. Born, ironically, in Deadwood, South Dakota, and raised in Columbia, Missouri. Zophia is an ex-athlete gone artist and a writer who does not mind sir, ma'am, he, she, or they because she'd rather let people decide that for themselves. Zophia is Zophia according to Zophia. Zophia is inspired to write the paces of the world. Sentence structure is the water to Zophia's toy gun, which is actually a whistle blown for everyone to hear in order to be reminded that they all are existing!